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Everything you always wanted to know about free SMS, but were afraid to ask.

What's it all about?
Although most of this site is in Dutch we'll give you a short summary in english, including some links that are interesting to an international audience.
The intention of '' is to show what opportunities you have when using SMS (short message service) on your mobile phone. Most likely, there are more opportunities then you are aware of.
Some interesting international sites are :


Interesting opportunities to offer SMS based services to websites (both private and professional) are offered by Clickatell. Also the possibility to download a program to your PC to send your own free SMS messages. A service we recommend!

Aircall, send three free SMS messages per day.

If you are in the UK or in Germany you can use AllesOverSMS to send logo's, picture SMS or ringtones to your Nokia, give it a try, the collection is huge!!

What if you want to add something to this site?
If you have interesting information, comments or links, send us an email.

An innovative way of feedback is the SMS bulletinboard, how does that work?
-use your phone or a free SMS service to send an SMS message to :+31612104129
-compose a message that starts with 1078 followed by a space and then the text you want to add.

Thanks for your visit, maybe one day more of this site will be in English.

In the meantime you can take a look at Freedity for an international overview of free SMS and unified messaging services.

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